textil | fashion

My goal is to create designs that not only captivate but also contribute to the success of the businesses and individuals I work with

a textile designer and fashion designer.

With basic tools a needle and thread, I create hand stitched Textile Art Works, Accessories and Installations. Exploring marking time and thought with every mark and stitch.

I am fascinated and somewhat obsessed with fabric and pattern.

My area of interest is quite wide. I mix my knowledge and experience from fashion, textil, art and design.

I like learning and I learn very fast. I have a natural skill of streamlining any process. My brain just likes optimizing and ordering everything around me that it seams to be quite useful in companies.

I am available to work on your surface design, textile design and art design projects, on demand.

My offer

I design clothes, unique textils, carpets and textils miniaturen. Above all, I design various types of patterns, mainly printed on fabrics, both for clothing and interior decoration. 

When creating subsequent works, I draw inspiration mainly from nature, which has always accompanied me. It is an inexhaustible source of ideas. Communing with nature gives me a lot of joy. I look at everything around me, often trying to capture the diversity of shapes, motifs and the colorfulness of nature in the frame of a camera or with quick sketches.

I have extensive work experience, which is presented by my portfolio and knowledge preceded by specialized study:

1995 – 1998

School of Clothing Design and Technology, clothing technologist

1999 – 2003

Academy of Fine Arts, Fashion College, Department of Design, Department of Fabric Design


Silesian University of Technology – postgraduate studies in graphic design

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